OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity and OAuth 2.0 provider with pluggable connectors
Collaboratively and visually diagram your cloud native infrastructure with GitOps-style pipeline integration. Design, test, and manage configuration your Kubernetes-based, containerized applications as a visual topology.
Looking for best practice cloud native design and deployment best practices? Choose from thousands of pre-built components in MeshMap. Choose from hundreds of ready-made design patterns by importing templates from Meshery Catalog or use our low code designer, MeshMap, to create and deploy your own cloud native infrastructure designs.
Suggested Reading
- Azure Active Directory (AAD)
- Actions Runner Controller (ARC)
- Epam Delivery Platform (EDP) Admin Console
- Azure Application Gateway
- Ambassador
- Antrea
- Apache Shardingsphere Operator Charts
- Aperture Agent
- Aperture Controller
- APISIX Ingress Controller
- Apisix
- AWS App Mesh
- Argo CD Applications
- Argo Workflows
- Argo CD Operator
- Armory Spinnaker Operator
- Artifact Hub
- Athenz
- AWS API Gateway Operator
- AWS API Gateway v2
- AWS Applilcation Autoscaling
- AWS CloudFront
- AWS CloudTrail
- AWS CloudWatch
- AWS CloudWatch Logs
- AWS DynamoDB
- AWS Elastic Container Registry
- AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
- AWS ElastiCache
- AWS ElasticSearch Service
- AWS EMR Containers
- AWS EventBridge
- AWS Identity and Access Management
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Load Balancer
- AWS MemoryDB for Redis
- AWS Node Termination Handler
- AWS Managed Service for Prometheus
- AWS Relational Database Service
- AWS Route 53
- AWS Route 53 Resolver
- AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)
- AWS SageMaker
- AWS Secrets Manager
- AWS Step Functions
- AWS Simple Notification Service
- AWS Target Group Binding
- AWX Operator
- Backstage
- Brigade
- Buildpacks
- Camel K
- Capsule Proxy
- CD Pipeline Operator
- Cdk For Kubernetes (Cdk8S)
- Cert Manager Crds
- Cert Manager Csi Driver Cacerts
- Cert Manager
- Chaos Mesh
- Cilium
- Cloudevents
- Cockroachdb Operator
- Confidential Containers
- Consul
- Containerd
- Containerssh
- Contour
- Coredns
- Cortex
- Citrix Service Mesh
- Crossplane
- Cubefs
- Curiefense
- Dapr
- Devfile
- Devstream
- Jfrog Distribution
- Docker
- Dragonfly
- AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Elastic Search
- Emissary Ingress
- Envoy
- Etcd Cluster Operator
- External Secrets Operator
- Fabedge
- Falco
- Flagger
- Fluent Operator
- Fluentbit Operator
- Fluentbit Skt
- Fluentd Operator
- Fluentd Operator
- Flux
- Fonio
- OPA Gatekeeper
- Google Cloud Platform
- Gerrit Operator
- Github Actions Runner Operator
- Github Actions Runners
- Github
- Gitlab Controller
- Gitlab Runner Operator
- GitLab
- Grafana Agent Operator
- Grafana Agent
- Grafana Operator
- Grafana UI Server
- Harbor Operator
- Helm Controller
- Hexa
- Hybridnet
- Identity Manager
- In Toto
- Inclavare Containers
- Intel Device Plugins Operator
- Istio
- Istio Operator
- Istio Rate Limit Operator
- Jaeger Operator
- Jaeger
- Jenkins Operator
- Jira Service Desk Operator
- Jitsi
- K3s
- K8GB
- K8s Vault Controller
- Kanister Operator
- Karmada
- Karpenter
- Kubeflow Katib
- Keda
- Keycloak Operator
- Keylime
- Kiali Operator
- Knative Serving
- Knative
- Kong Mesh
- Kong API Gateway
- Kube Prometheus Stack
- Kube Prometheus
- Kube Rs
- Kubernetes UI Server
- Kubedb Catalog
- Kubedb CRDs
- Kubedb Grafana Dashboards
- Kubedb Metrics
- Kubedb Ops Manager
- Kubedb Opscenter
- Kubedb UI Server
- Kubedb
- Kubedl
- Kubeflow
- Kubeform Provider AWS
- Kuberhealthy
- HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress
- Kubernetes Secret Generator
- Kubernetes
- Kubeslice Worker
- Kubesphere
- Kubevault Catalog
- Kubevault Crds
- Kubevault Metrics
- Kubevault Operator
- Kubevault
- Kubevela
- Kubevirt
- Kuma
- Kured
- Kusk Gateway
- Kyverno Monitor
- Kyverno Operator
- Linkerd
- Linux
- Litmus Chaos
- Longhorn
- Mattermost Operator
- Meshery Core
- Metallb
- Mimir
- MinIO Operator
- Kubeflow MPI Operator
- MySQL Operator
- NATS Operator
- New Relic Operator
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- NGINX Service Mesh
- Nocalhost
- Notary
- Open Cluster Management
- Open Policy Agent (OPA)
- Open Service Mesh
- OpenEBS
- OpenFeature
- OpenGitOps
- Openkruise
- OpenMetrics
- OpenTelemetry Operator
- Operator Framework
- Oras
- Parsec
- Postgres Database (CrunchyData)
- Percona Postgres Operator
- PGO (CrunchyData)
- Piraeus Datastore
- Pixie
- Porter
- Postgres Controller
- Postgres Operator
- Postgres With Operator
- Posthog
- Pravega
- Prometheus Operator
- Prometheus
- Percona Server for MySQL
- Percona Operator for MySQL
- Percona Server for MongoDB
- Percona Operator for MongoDB
- Pulsar Operator
- Pulsar Resources Operator
- RabbitMQ Cluster Operator
- RabbitMQ Operator
- Rook
- Schemahero
- Serverless Workflow
- Skooner
- Solr Operator
- Stackgres Operator
- Strimzi Kafka Operator
- Strimzi Registry Operator
- Submariner
- Superedge
- Telepresence
- Teller
- Terraform
- Thanos Operator
- Thanos
- Tikv Operator
- Tinkerbell
- Tremor
- Trickster
- Tuf
- Vald Helm Operator
- Vault Config Operator
- Vault Operator
- Vault Secrets
- Vineyard
- Virtual Kubelet
- Vitess
- Volcano
- Wasmcloud
- Wasmedge Runtime
- Windows